Take Hands
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You may have gathered that you're on a fundraising site. There's a lot left to do, and a lot of services to pay for to get it out in the world. If you can, help us out.
You can sign up for the newsletter, here. We won't bombard you, no more than every other month or so. But we'll have great behind the scenes content, and news of where the film is appearing and when you can see it.
And most importantly, you can share the project on your own social media. We want the message of this film to spread far and wide, and we need you to do that.
Thank you,
Doug Plummer
Take Hands tells a story of how music and dance can unite people across cultural divides. The film follows Stacy Rose and the South Coast Folk Society as they organize a week-long celebration of traditional American music and contra dancing in rural Coos Bay, Oregon. Stacy wants everyone at the dance, no matter their skills or their politics. She wants a dance week that will bring people together and perhaps change a town.
Premiering 2022
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